Identity Design
Redesign the identity of the Ball State University Career Center KEY Careers Program. This new identity needs to catch the attention of Ball State University students and make the program enjoyable for freshmen to complete.
A fresh identity system was created for the KEY Careers program. It includes five different color variations of the primary logo, secondary logo, and the monogram for ease of use in multiple formats.
What is the KEY Careers Program?
The KEY Careers Program (Knowledge, Experience, and You) is about eliminating the guesswork as you start your college career. Students who participate in the KEY Careers Program have a stronger track record of college and postgraduate success. The KEY Careers Program is for every Ball State University freshman and begins during freshman orientation. The KEY Careers Program has been consistently ranked as a national best practice program. KEY Careers Program participants have a fall-to-fall retention rate 5.4 percentage points higher than the general university, and they experience more clarity and direction when deciding on their future career plans.
You can find out more about the KEY Careers program on the Ball State University Career Center website here: